April 30, 2009

Georgia Is Moving To Georgia

....and the person buying her house is named Savannah

Snad Kgnat'z

a sand gnat through an electron microscope at 10,000 magnification
a different type of sand gnat

The entertainment

a different type of entertainment

Polish Sausage satisfaction, this guys looks more content than the Oscar Mayer balongne kid.

Snad Kgnat'z...This is how you say it after the 5th inning on the first base line on army night! "Chug,Chug, Chug..."
There is a new treasure to be expiereinced on trips to Oyster House Road. Take a diversion to Daffin Park off Victory in Savannah and checkout the Sand Gnats the Baseball playing kind. I think they actually have a game going on somewhere in the background.
Recomended tour guide Aunt Gerri. She may be able to hook you up with a trot around the bases with a banana.
Check it out

x marks the spot

The Gaurd at the bait spot... costs you a kid. Thats why we took so many.

gotta dig a little

Sheaphead earrings

The following photgraphs where procurred on docks yet to be named with bait locally known but seldom found. All anglers in the photographs below are sworn to secrecy as to the wereabouts of both the bait procurement area, how to break the law to get to the bait procurement area and the specific area that the fish live. So all you angler remeber you are sworn!


Don't Ask!

April 14, 2009

Well, not really at Kilkenny...

(click to view larger)

...but come support the Queen of Kilkenny on April 29th.

(click here to go to the facebook event)

April 09, 2009

Extra fluff at Kilkenny

Two sweeps a day just won't cover it. These golden retriever puppies know how to fluff. (But that's all they can do as they can't even come close to standing up to the forceful locomotive that is "Suzy-Q".)