June 17, 2013

Green Smoothies!

As you requested, Mom...
These tasty drinks are a great way to start the day and increase your energy and balance the acidity in our bodies. Diseases love to grow in acidic environments, so consuming some fresh leafy greens (hopefully from the flourishing garden out back) is a natural way to mitigate the effects of too many rum and tonics!

A few helpful hints:
  • use the strongest blender ya got (a "Vitamix" is the best out there)
  • aim for 60% fruits, 40% veggies to get used to the greens, but gradually add more greens
  • best if consumed on an empty stomach in the morning (but anytime is better than not at all)
  • best to consume immediately before oxidation
  • when filling up the blender use this order: frozen fruits or ice, fruits, veggies, greens
  • any fresh greens will do: spinach, kale, bok choy, arugula, mixed greens, chard, etc.
  • same with fruit: bananas, apples, all citrus fruits, kiwi, mango, berries, etc.
  • you can use frozen fruits like pineapple, mango, blueberries, strawberries, etc.
  • other veggies to try: cucumber, carrot, radish, celery, broccoli, tomato
  • instead of water, use coconut water (sold everywhere now a days) for some extra hydration and natural electrolytes
  • some delicious herbs to add flavor: parsley, mint, basil, and ginger root
  • a banana or an avocado (or almond butter) make a nice creamy texture